Unlock Your True Power: Why Your Magic Is YOU
During the height of the pandemic, someone asked me a simple yet profound question: "Seth, what do you think your magic is?" 💥
Now at the time I had just come off making huge investments in our new virtual studio. As such I naturally started listing all the bells and whistles we had added to make our virtual programs engaging.
"....we're running a Canon 5D to OBS with a stream deck switcher...bla bla bal"
Before I could finish he cut me off.
In fact he stopped me mid-sentence and said, "Buddy, I hate to break it to you but those things are NOT your magic. Those things are great tools but they're not your magic."
He let the comment hang in the air for a few seconds leaving me wondering, what the hell he was referencing then...
If it's not that, then what...
He smiled and said, "Your magic is YOU man."
Now, there's a only been a few times in my life when people's words knocked the wind out out of me.
This was one of them.
I know it doesn't sound like a super profound complement but in that moment in time it hit me hard.
You see I had given away all my power. I really believed that I needed all the extra technology I could get my hands on in order to remain relevant and keep audiences engaged.
I just didn't believe that I alone was enough to carry the moment.
I needed someone to see that I had it in me. To remind me who I was. To help me remember my magic.
So.... If you're reading this and for whatever reason you've temporarily forgotten who you are, here's your reminder friend...
Your magic is YOU.
And if you're a leader reading this, remember that one of the great gifts you can give your people is to help them remember THEIR magic!